The events of the series move to Superman (2025)
Follows a group of military superhumans consisting of a human leader, a werewolf, a vampire, a Frankenstein’s monster, and a gorgon. Series writer and creator James Gunn appears in the opening titles as a laptop records the script. . Featured in the AniMat Crazy Cartoon: The Return of the King (of the Hill) (2023).
Moliendo Cafe (Grinder Coffee)(uncredited)Traditional [Title Sequence Music]
Honestly, I have no complaints, except that I wish the episodes were longer. The fact that this is an animated series aimed at adults is fantastic. This kind of content gives DC an advantage with an older audience. Especially since Marvel is their competitor and they don’t want to get involved in it when it comes to TV shows and movies because their soul belongs to the mouse.
Family-friendly stuff can get old and boring
Sometimes I want something that’s not geared towards a younger audience. I love all the characters and their backstories. I really enjoy that they’re not overused characters that we’ve seen a thousand times. I love the jokes, I love the dialogue.
I love the voice actors
I love the animation, the artwork, and the character designs. The story is intriguing, and I’m always excited and looking forward to the next episode. I definitely recommend the series. I love the information provided by James Gunn.
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I really, really hope this gets renewed for a second season and continues beyond that. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is one of the biggest TV and streaming premieres this month.
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